Innovation Pipeline 2022

The Innovation Pipeline features academic innovators, pre-seed stage and early seed stage companies working on incredible, cutting edge science. They have been selected to highlight their discoveries at the virtual Life Sciences Summit and the featured innovators will be available for discussions throughout the live event – meetings may be scheduled via the event partnering system.  

2022 Participants

cdi22a-fw Chosen Diagnostics Inc: Developing host-centric diagnostic platforms for monitoring gut inflammatory disease in preemie babies. Sunyoung (Sunny) Kim PhD, CEO
ferric22a Ferric Contrast– Developing a safe replacement for all current MRI contrast agents. Bradford La Salle, President &Co-Founder
lime22a-fw Lime Therapeutics – A Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center spinout using its breakthrough phenotypic screening platform to create lipid-targeting therapeutics for non-small cell lung, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer. Shardule Shah, PhD, MBA, CEO
mrt22a-fw MicroRid Technologies, Inc. -Working to identify and advance new anti-fungal drug candidates with novel mechanisms of action. Maurizio Del Poeta, PhD, CSO
nanopin22a-fw NanoPin Technologies – Working to advance infectious disease diagnosis and improve patient care using novel diagnostic platforms that produces rapid and accurate results for all patients. Thomas Tombler, PhD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer
paripathlogo3-2 Paritic Inc. – Developing a navigation system and surgical robot for mini-invasive procedures. Yale Ji, PhD, CTO
st22a-fw Spirrow Therapeutics –  Developing a patented, first-in-kind, polymer lung surfactant for the therapeutic treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Davis Arrick, CEO & You-Yeon Won, CSO
sbu2-fw Stony Brook University: Developing a technology designed to expedite autologous cell therapy for cancer by promoting T cell expansion by delivering T cell-specific proliferation signals delivered in the form of Low Intensity Vibration (LIV).  M. Ete Chan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering & Clinton T. Rubin, Distinguished Professor,Department of Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University

View our 2021 Innovation Pipeline participants here.